Exploring the world of medicinal plants at Medicinal Plants for Animals

Two categories of plant medicine

There are millions of medicinal plants. We think of them in two broad categories:

  1. Prescription plant medicine: Includes medicinal cannabis products, controlled under Australian law and available only via veterinary prescription.

  2. Non-prescription medicinal plants: Includes everything else! We have a variety of plant-based formulas available in our shop, these do not require a prescription and are free from cannabis. In our blog, we also offer plant-based home remedies.

Medicinal cannabis

Medicinal cannabis, including CBD oil, is a legally controlled substance in Australia.

In veterinary medicine, it is used to treat:

  • chronic pain (eg arthritis)

  • seizures

  • cancer

  • anxiety

  • chronic immune-mediated/inflammatory conditions such as IBD and atopy

If you’d like to find out more, check out our blog or click on the button below. Information for vets is in Vet Info (top navigation).

Our medicinal plant formulas

Based on the conditions we see every day in vet practice, Dr Jen has formulated a range of non-prescription medicinal plant blends.

Our selections aren't just based on intuition; they are rooted in rigorous scientific evidence and witnessed clinical efficacy. Every plant we incorporate has been thoroughly researched and chosen for its proven therapeutic potential.

The range includes:

  • HUSH BUD – oral supplement for anxiety

  • JOINT JUICE – oral supplement for arthritis, joint support

  • EVENS – oral supplement for pets with cancer

  • MushrooMED – multibenefit mushroom mix (especially good for guts)

  • WELLY (well belly) – oral supplement for digestive issues

  • SCRATCHED – oral supplement for skin issues

  • SCRATCHED GEL – topical gel for broken skin

  • SCRATCHED CRM – topical cream for itchy skin

Every blend has been formulated for balance and potency. Each dose has been calculated to have a therapeutic amount of each plant ingredient.

There is no cannabis in any of these products.

The formulas are blended in small batches and bottled by hand, by us.

These are available online (see our shop) and at a few selected locations.

Why we choose alcohol-based extracts

Our commitment to sustainability guides our choice of alcohol-based extracts or tinctures. These highly concentrated and rapidly absorbed formulas ensure maximum benefit with minimal use of resources.

The process involves soaking plants in alcohol and extracting vital phytochemicals like alkaloids, flavonoids, and terpenes, leading to potent solutions. This efficiency allows us to blend multiple plants into one solution, reducing the amount needed for effectiveness.

Stored in dark glass bottles, tinctures have a long shelf life, minimising waste. The small doses required and the natural preservative qualities of alcohol contribute to our sustainable approach to veterinary care.

We’ll be honest though – alcohol tinctures taste AWFUL! When giving them to your pets, you can mix them in the food (the ‘food motivated’ pets won’t mind) or dilute them and give them into the mouth. We dilute about 2 parts water or broth or even yogurt to 1 part formula.

What is the difference between prescription and non-prescription plants?

Does ‘non-prescription’ mean less effective or safe? Not at all!

Here's what you should know.


Prescription-only products are typically regulated more strictly because they contain ingredients that might have significant effects, potential side effects, or interactions with other medications. In contrast, non-prescription products are considered generally safe for most animals when used as directed.

Safety and effectiveness

Our non-prescription medicinal plant formulas are carefully formulated using high-quality, natural ingredients. Just because they're available without a prescription doesn't mean they're any less safe or effective. In fact, many traditional and time-tested remedies fall into the non-prescription category.


Non-prescription products are often versatile and can support general well-being, whereas prescription products target specific conditions.

Ease of access

Non-prescription means you can easily access these products for your pets without the need for a vet's consultation, giving you more autonomy in supporting your pet's health with natural remedies.

Quality assurance

At Medicinal Plants for Animals, both our prescription and non-prescription products undergo rigorous quality control processes. We are committed to ensuring that every product, prescription or not, meets the highest standards of purity, efficacy, and safety.